2024 is coming to an end and what a year for Shaping Competition in the Digital Age! The DMA picked up steam with record pace, we have a new EU Commissioner for competition and a new law in the UK (DMCCA) – to name only a few developments of a packed year. 2024 has proven […]
Navigating Digital Markets: A Challenge for Turkish Competition Law
This week’s contribution is by Gülce Korkmaz, PhD student and Fellow at the Joachim Herz Doctoral School of Law at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. She will walk us through the proposed amendments to the Turkish Competition Act, and shed some light on the heavily amended E-commerce Law. Her analysis reveals the content, progressive nature, […]
Japan’s Enactment of the Smartphone Act
This July, Japan regulated the most impactful piece of consumer electronics since the invention of the computer (or for some, since the lightbulb): the smartphone. Japan‘s new laser focused regulation tackles competitive issues related to mobile OS, browsers, app stores and search engines. So, is this Act a new marvel of Japanese inventiveness, the Japanese […]