Introducing the SCiDA Podcast – Towards the ECN-DMA Workshop series.

For those of you who want to listen to digital platform regulation issues while being on the go – We are launching the SCiDA Podcast! In the coming weeks, we conduct interviews with stakeholders about their views on the DMA and national digital platform regulation, their experiences in the DMA compliance workshops, how they see the future of digital regulation and other pressing issues.

In the first round of interviews, we focus particularly on the upcoming ECN-DMA workshop, where the ACM gives the opportunity to business users, representative groups and academics to discuss effects that the DMA can have on businesses and the European economy, and how to empower businesses to make use of these opportunities. The workshop – hosted in Amsterdam on the 24th of June – will comprise many interesting speakers, presentations and breakout sessions (and you can still register here).

Our podcasts will give a number of the speakers at the conference the opportunity to provide their in-depth views on the state of the DMA generally, and provide some background to the more specialised discussions that take place on the 24th.

Interview with Annalaura Gallo – EU Travel Tech

You can listen to our first round of interviews now. In the first episode, we talk to Annalaura Gallo, Director of EU affairs at EU Travel Tech. EU Travel Tech represents online travel agencies, meta search sites, and global distribution systems for active in the European travel sector, defending their interests before the European institutions.

LISTEN HERE: SCIDA PODCAST #1 – Annalaura Gallo, EU Travel Tech

Annalaura has shared her views on the relationship between Google’s search services and the travel sector. She focuses particularly on explaining the issues related to self-preferencing and how this can create a disadvantage for different types of travel service providers. We discuss whether the DMA can address these problems, and why Google’s current compliance commitments under the DMA may fall short of their obligations under the DMA. Annalaura emphasises the importance of enforcing new regulations such as the DMA, and the need for a shift in mentality for both gatekeepers and end-users. She emphasises that it seems that gatekeepers should go beyond considering whether the cost of compliance is higher than non-compliance, and instead be ready to take the social responsibility that comes with their position.

Interview with Christina Oelke – VAUNET

For our second episode, , we talk to Christina Oelke. Christina is a lawyer, with experiences at prominent law firms, who now works as the deputy legal counsel for VAUNET, the German Association of Private Media, representing more than 160 members in Germany’s media landscape.


In this interview, Christina highlights the changing media landscape. Just as regulation is catching up to the impact of search engines and social media platforms on the media sector, it is bracing for the impact of artificial intelligence and the increased use of voice-driven digital assistants. Christiana explains how media plurality and (well-funded) traditional media help to innovate, foster creativity, and even protect democracy. She asks of gatekeepers that they assume their responsibilities, while also remind end-users that we should be aware of the wider impact of our choices.

Interview with Guillaume Teissonnière – eDreams ODIGEO

In our third episode, we speak with Guillaume Teissonnière, General Counsel and Company Director at eDreams ODIGEO, which is active in the

areas of travel booking and meta search with five brands: Opodo, eDreams, GO Voyages, Travellink and Liligo. Guillaume is an experienced lawyer and has worked at the Brussels Bar in the areas of e-commerce, Tourism law, European law and IP/IT litigation, and has joined eDreams ODIGEO in 2016.

LISTEN HERE: SCIDA PODCAST #3 – Guillaume Teissonnière, eDreams ODIGEO

In the interview with Guillaume, we have focused on innovation in the travel booking industry and the need for data, diversity, and new ideas. Guillaume has explained how self-preferencing can harm competition in the travel sector, and what we can do to limit harms to competition. Guillaume calls on the Commission to enforce the DMA and clarify the law. Here, he emphasises that we should not focus too much on imposing remedies, but to treat the DMA for what it is: a list of do’s and don’ts. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the gatekeepers to comply with the law and to design compliant solutions. Guillaume also reminds end-users to embrace a diversity of services and to try new and innovative solutions. A similarity in travelling itself and the process of booking: be open to new experiences.

More interviews and episodes are coming up – so stay tuned! We are excited to join the upcoming ECN-DMA workshop in Amsterdam on 24th of June to continue our discussion of these important issues.

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