
Here you can find publications from members of our team on issues related to the SCiDA project.

DMA Commentary

  • Rupprecht Podszun (Editor), ‘DMA – Article by Article Commentary‘, Beck/Nomos/Hart 2024
  • Rupprecht Podszun (Editor), ‘Digital Markets Act: DMA – Gesetz über digitale Märkte, Handkommentar‘, Nomos 2023

Competition in digital markets

  1. Oles Andriychuk, Between Microeconomics and Geopolitics: On the Reasonable Application of Competition Law, Modern Law Review, Vol. 85, No. 3, 2022, pp. 598–534:
  2. Oles Andriychuk, Shaping the New Modality of the Digital Markets: The Impact of the DSA/DMA Proposals on Inter-Platform Competition, World Competition: Law & Economic Review, Vol. 44, No. 3, 2021, pp. 261–287:
  3. Oles Andriychuk, Shifting the Digital Paradigm: Towards a Sui Generis Competition Policy, Computer Law & Security Review, Vol. 46, 2022:
  4. Oles Andriychuk, Do DMA Obligations for Gatekeepers Create Entitlements for Business Users?, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, pre-published as an ‘advanced article:
  5. Oles Andriychuk, The Normative Foundations of European Competition Law: Assessing the Goals of Antitrust through the Lens of Legal Philosophy, Edward Elgar, 2017, 366 monograph:
  6. Rupprecht Podszun, Empfiehlt sich eine stärkere Regulierung für Online-Plattformen und andere Digitalunternehmen? – Gutachten für den 73. Deutschen Juristentag 2020/2022, C.H. Beck, München 2020, Ergänzungsgutachten 2022
  7. Philip Marsden/Rupprecht Podszun, Restoring balance to digital competition – Sensible Rules, Effective Enforcement, KAS, Berlin 2020
  8. Rupprecht Podszun, Philipp Bongartz, Sarah Langenstein, ‘The Digital Markets Act: Moving from Competition Law to Regulation for Large’, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 2021, 60-67
  9. Rupprecht Podszun, Private Enforcement and Gatekeeper Regulation: Strengthening the Rights of Private Parties in the Digital Markets Act, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice 2021, 1-14
  10. Rupprecht Podszun, Die 10. Novelle des Gesetzes gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (GWB) – Stellungnahme für den Ausschuss für Wirtschaft und Energie des Deutschen Bundestags, Deutscher Bundestag, Ausschussdrucksache 19(9)887
  11. Jasper van den Boom, Regulating Competition in the Digital Network Industry – A Proposal for Progressive Ecosystem Regulation, Forthcoming (2023)
  12. Jasper van den Boom, What Does the Digital Markets Act Harmonize? – Exploring Interactions Between the DMA and National Competition Laws, European Competition Journal (2022)
  13. Jasper van den Boom, Digital Ecosystem Mergers in Big Tech—A Theory of Long-Run Harm with Applications, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (2021)
  14. Rupprecht Podszun/Sarah Hinck, Kartellrecht und Plattformökonomie vor dem BGH, GRUR 17-18/2024, 1304-1308
  15. Sarah Hinck/Rupprecht Podszun, Beyond DMA: the Amazon section 19a case (Germany), Journal of European Competition Law & Practice (2024)

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